Pandemic COVID -19 And Panic.

Pandemic COVID  19 and Panic: How to  minimize

1. Anxiety related to Pandemic Coronavirus is normal and may be helpful until affecting day to day functions 

2. During Lockdown, focus on forgotten hobbies, learning new fun (e.g. magic tricks, origami etc)

3. Share your stories,  achievements, childhood experiences with your families,  children and listen from them too

4. Restrict COVID news reading and listening time.  Getting updates in the morning and evening only may be good enough to gather information. Excess information creates unnecessary anxiety 

5. Only refer Government information. Not to rely on social media information and forwards.

6. Restrict Covid related discussion time to max 1 hour at home and with friends or relatives over the phone or social media.

7. Assign only one member in the family to gather information about pandemic situation and to share with others during discussion time.  Involvement of all to gather knowledge will create more anxiety

8. All the governments and medical associations are trying their best to make us aware and protect. Whatever steps might be needed they are supposed to inform us. Better to follow their guidance only.  

9. If anybody is aware about some suggestions from authentic sources, then only those can be shared in social media. Individual opinion or suggestions may be avoided for  public interest.

10. The normal trend indicates that there might be more number of cases and proportionately more number of death due to corona virus. It doesn't not mean that administration has failed to control it.  Maximum control is in our hand. 

11. Any one of us are vulnerable. Some are already affected. Some of them might have taken this casually and showed irresponsible behavior. Criminalizing them in the Social Media with expression of anger is going to stimulate our stress hormones. We are already under stress and added stress is going to suppress our immune system. Coronavirus likes lesser immunity.

12. Follow the normal routine and eat healthy

13. Take this as an opportunity to get rid of smoking habit as that reduces risk. During the stress smokers are prone to increase their smoking behavior. Throwing of left over part of your cigarette at home or outside may have contamination too. 

14. Children can feel the stress, higher than many adults and absorb news. Do take time out and explain why things are happening and what we are doing or should do now. Involve children as well. Prevent them from being misinformed.

  Dr Anshul Mahajan 

Consultant psychiatrist